Academic writing: inclining your mind
In a previous entry we discussed some great Mac software for writing. However, software can only support (or inhibit) your writing. Punching the keys to move the cursor from the left to the right of...
View ArticlePsychological effect of tracking time and the Pomodoro
I have tracked my time over many years. Yet I could never clearly explain the reason for doing that other than being a pedantic nerd. More recently, however, I stumbled upon an interesting observation....
View ArticleOrganizing and using calendars
The more we academics believe that our heads are for creative thinking, the more we should keep them free from other “non-creative” stuff which can be safely handled by computers. Calendars are one of...
View ArticleAcademic writing, task management, and OmniFocus
Task management systems, invented to increase focus and productivity, may become a source of distraction and procrastination. I certainly learned that when I tried to integrate my academic writing with...
View ArticleThree stages of the academic workflow and Mac software
The’academic workflow’ is a representation of scholarship as a series of stages or steps connected to each other without gaps or duplication. Although simplified, the idea of the workflow helps to...
View ArticleUpdate on the Macademic Ninja kit
The Macademic Ninja kit posted a while ago included TextExpander, LaunchBar, Hazel, 1Password and Dropbox. I still love and constantly use all of these small apps. But in the last 1.5 years five other...
View ArticleMind-Mapping on Mac and iOS: MindNode and iCloud
For a few discrete tasks—short bursts of writing, for example, or annotating PDFs—it makes sense to loop iOS devices into a Mac-based workflow. Finally we can add mind-mapping to the list, now that...
View ArticleAcademic writing: inclining your mind
In a previous entry we discussed some great Mac software for writing. However, software can only support (or inhibit) your writing. Punching the keys to move the cursor from the left to the right of...
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